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Wednesday, July 10

now we say "toddler"?

*Please excuse my mess of a blog and the home construction I started when I was 16 years old trying to make something out of photoshop. I will soon be trying to revamp ye old blog page and make it pretty. hey, we do what we can!*

In other news, we're saying toddler in our house now. I mean seriously when did this happen. I swear I had a baby Krewbear like yesterday and today he is talking to me and deciding what he wants to wear. I guess we are well on our way to T W O. And honestly, I love it. Almost two looks like,

> Crying, screaming melt downs over choosing outfits and SHOES. omg, shoes are his thing.
> Mickey mouse pancakes (dad's specialty) demanded literally as he sits up in bed, "pawncayyy" "peeeeze"
> A new learned fear of pools, turned OBSESSION with jumping in when uncle is not "redeeeyy?"
> Flatbill baseball hats, omg I die. enough said he is such a lil man.
> Refusing to eat many delicious prepared meals from mom. yaayyy.
> Sitting at the barstools at grammy's cause the cool kids do it duh.
> The "wipe me" face that comes with changing diapers at this age. so awk.
> Calling "papa" "Danny" "bayeee" and "cody" *my dads dog* before bed
because he thinks they will save him
> batman, oh batman. requested daily. 90's intro on YouTube guys.
> Only saying hi to strangers in the grocery store. *picks up apple, hears "hiii!"
as lady walks past*
> papa's truck, shooting guns, and saying NO. ha, who would've guessed right

And pretty much, i'm in love with this age. first, there's the seriously I get to take this angel home stage where he cries and nurses non stop but he so precious and you love your little bunbun of newborn, then they start to eat and walk and act like real humans, then bam. they're nearly two and they're your bestfriend and baby all wrapped into one and they make you laugh and you get to teach them everything and guess what, it's all yours. so yeah, safe to say im keeping him and two is gonna be the BOMB. I know what you're thinking, "teeerrrible twooos", but recently I read on an instagram post that this is a time of communication and learning and exploring and to enjoy it. love it. take advantage of it. love them and teach them and laugh when they're naughty cause one day they'll throw that tantrum in the store and threaten to runaway and right now, they just really want ice cream. and everyone understands that! Krew, you're pretty rad my little man.

Thursday, April 25

a whole year and one half

18 months of life has flown by so fast. I look at my little man and I can't believe the journey we have begun together and how much life is so much more fulfilling with him in it. everyday matters so much more, every night of stories and brushing teeth has become my whole life. he has taught me more lessons than I could hope to teach him but one day I hope I am able to have the chance to return to him the happiness he brings me. so far, this has been my favorite age of his short life. he is so incredibly smart. he talks to me and plays and listens when he's told; we eat breakfast together and wear sunglasses in the car and pick out our outfits (there's a slim chance that we're leaving the house without some form of a hat if it's up to krew). he's learning so fast and teaching me so well and I love this boy of mine. every tantrum and "toot toot" as I am trying to put him to bed. Yes, he farts to be funny and make me laugh, these have made me appreciate life. and especially the one I am raising.

My senior year is ending fast, this is the most important and stressful time of my life so far and life is spinning around me but we're holding steady and going to finish strong, there are amazing things ahead of us and I can't wait to take the next step of life and see what the future has in store.
On a side note, there is nothing easy about being a single mother, or a teen mother. Pictures you see on the internet does not mean that someone has a perfect life or seems to have it all together. As far as my life, my family is the foundation under my success as a working mother and student

Wednesday, April 3

it's been so long

Okay here it goes, I think it is safe to say we are going to start our blog posts again! I know it may seem like no big deal but for me this is a way to document my son's life and to be able to share with my family who I am and how much I appreciate everything they do for me. I know my first few posts will be spaced out but I am doing my best to get back on the wagon and start sharing my experience as a mother. I hope one day Krew can look at these posts and first of all, laugh at how silly his mom is for trying to be cool and second, smile at how hard I tried to give him a fun and stable life that I care about so much. Being a mother is the most amazing journey, even for a young woman who has barely started her own... having him by my side has given me the extra encouragement and strength to do things I am scared to do alone. We have gone through many ups and downs since last summer and have finally got on track to a bright future! Some things you may have seen through my social media over the last year...
Krew's first birthday (Indian/Arrow Themed)

Our first time trick or treating, dressed as guess what... an indian (:

Mama's Senior Homecoming and lots of football games with my favorite cheerleader

I turned 18 and got my first tattoo!

Our first Christmas opening presents! I worked hard on my Charlie Brown tree you guys

Winning 2nd in state with our cheer team, go hornets!

Moving into our first Apartment (big kid status)

A few celebrated holidays like Valentines and St. Patrick's &....
Our first Easter basket and egg hunt (very exciting, I'm clapping right now!)

And in between all that, lots and lots of homework... stressing.. moving.. unpacking... and working.

My senior year is going by so fast, I have been working so hard and staying focused to Graduation and before it's too late I want to start documenting these memories and share with my friends and family the impact they have on my life and how much I appreciate each and everyone that has helped us. Thank you to all who love and support us and I can't wait to share more of our journey!

Tuesday, July 17

9 months old

Krew Hudson John
today you are 9 months old. you have changed my life in ways you can't imagine and i am grateful for you every moment of everyday. i love to watch you grow and interact with the family and friends around you. there's not a person who you don't make smile. you laugh and crawl and play and eat food all by yourself. i thought i'd cry when we got to this stage, but i'm surprisingly all smiles. you are our world baby son and you are so smart and energetic already. 3 months from now you'll be one years old and i'll be bawling my eyes out.. so stay young my babeh!

Monday, July 16

In case you forgot I love you

lately, we've been able to spend a little time catching up to our crazy non stop life. things have settled down more and we've gotten a tad bit closer again. crazy thing about having kids, you hardly have time to nurture your own relationship right? hmmm. but, after a 10 day vaca dad had in california the beauty of the saying "distance makes the heart grow fonder" became pretty personal to our little fam. today we've started the day off right with a little sleeping in and a litle yard work and we plan to finish this monday off right with a little family outing. have a wonderful week! we sure plan too!
images taken last night after the babe went down, little reminders of what we love.

Friday, July 13

a happy weekend

to you all.
and a few unedited pictures from today. (:
love, krew's DIY cutoff denim, and my crazy top knot bun for swimming days.