Krew Hudson John
today you are 9 months old. you have changed my life in ways you can't imagine and i am grateful for you every moment of everyday. i love to watch you grow and interact with the family and friends around you. there's not a person who you don't make smile. you laugh and crawl and play and eat food all by yourself. i thought i'd cry when we got to this stage, but i'm surprisingly all smiles. you are our world baby son and you are so smart and energetic already. 3 months from now you'll be one years old and i'll be bawling my eyes out.. so stay young my babeh!
Oh man, he's so adorable. I love the part where you say there's not a person he doesn't make smile. He makes me grin every time I see his picture!
Grown-ups have been right all along: kids really do grow up so quickly. Glad to hear you're embracing the growth :)
P.S. Just so you know, I definitely didn't write my blog post about letter writing to make you feel bad in any way. Please don't feel guilty! I know life with a baby is SO busy, so please don't worry. I get it!
YAY! 9 month old Krew! What a little heartbreaker.
What a sweet little guy! I love your letter to him, he's gonna love reading this some day :)
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