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Wednesday, April 3

it's been so long

Okay here it goes, I think it is safe to say we are going to start our blog posts again! I know it may seem like no big deal but for me this is a way to document my son's life and to be able to share with my family who I am and how much I appreciate everything they do for me. I know my first few posts will be spaced out but I am doing my best to get back on the wagon and start sharing my experience as a mother. I hope one day Krew can look at these posts and first of all, laugh at how silly his mom is for trying to be cool and second, smile at how hard I tried to give him a fun and stable life that I care about so much. Being a mother is the most amazing journey, even for a young woman who has barely started her own... having him by my side has given me the extra encouragement and strength to do things I am scared to do alone. We have gone through many ups and downs since last summer and have finally got on track to a bright future! Some things you may have seen through my social media over the last year...
Krew's first birthday (Indian/Arrow Themed)

Our first time trick or treating, dressed as guess what... an indian (:

Mama's Senior Homecoming and lots of football games with my favorite cheerleader

I turned 18 and got my first tattoo!

Our first Christmas opening presents! I worked hard on my Charlie Brown tree you guys

Winning 2nd in state with our cheer team, go hornets!

Moving into our first Apartment (big kid status)

A few celebrated holidays like Valentines and St. Patrick's &....
Our first Easter basket and egg hunt (very exciting, I'm clapping right now!)

And in between all that, lots and lots of homework... stressing.. moving.. unpacking... and working.

My senior year is going by so fast, I have been working so hard and staying focused to Graduation and before it's too late I want to start documenting these memories and share with my friends and family the impact they have on my life and how much I appreciate each and everyone that has helped us. Thank you to all who love and support us and I can't wait to share more of our journey!

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