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Sunday, April 15

where art thou mommy blogger wonder?

so there's been a few crazy things going on here at the life blog.. 

1) i have lost almost every materialistic thing that matters to me in life.. let's list them shall we... my phone, my camera, my watch, my clothes, and a not so materialistic thing.. (my sanity.)
2) i havent blogged.. due to lack of photos, time and again sanity.
3) i moved in with my great grandma... and our room has orange carpet.. enough said
4) i have an assignment due tomorrow and i just started.. thankyou group members for leaving me wonderful voicemails  -_-
5) krew has begun to try and sit up/ eat everything in site/ and cry almost whenever i put him down
6) my hair has been in a top knot for nearly 5 consistent days.
7) dylan and i have classes twice a day in different cities
ive lost it, but i am soon to jump back on the horse and join the blogging world once again with lots of photos, crafts, ideas and too doo lists... i'm really good at making those things ya know.
SOooo, have a most amazing sunny afternoon and i will see you all in the mommy blogger form, tomorrow (: or.... the next day...



Jessica said...

There is NO SHAME in the top knot. rock it!
and I can sympathize. I've got 5 finals in 3 days this week. Have I studied? no....

good luck in school! :)

Daph said...

ahhhhh, im so stressed just thinkng about having 5 finals! geez, good luck to you too girlfriend!