Today I received a message from a dear friend of mine explaining her change of views on abortion since my pregnancy with krew. When I first read it I was so happy to hear from her and how I hope I had influenced her opinion and Done my best to show Its possible to be a young mom, she inspired me to share a little bit more of my story and to explain my views towards young pregnancy.. so bare with me here its going to be quite wordy. And personal.
When I first found out I was pregnant the first thing that came to my mind was that my life was over. Understandably I contemplated the idea of ending the life I had created In order to continue mine.. no bumps in the road no angry parents just put it behind me and move on.. sounds easy right? And I'm well aware it has been and will be for many girls my age.. but somehow in the mix of parents telling me What to do (not mine) and rumors swarming the school I found I couldn't live with that decision. And let me first say I owe everything to my mom. She was there When I took my final pregnancy test and never once did she make me feel ashamed or that I would have to make a decision for anyone else but myself. Of course she has no planned this for me, but she supported me to the end and stood by my decision whatever it would be. That is the best gift you can give a girl in my place. The right to chose for herself. And she gave it to me. My family has been absolutely wonderful and I want to make That known, they are the key to my success and my ability to mother so young. Every single one of them joined together once I had made the decision to continue my pregnancy. My mom told me nearly everyday, babies are a blessing Daphne no matter how they come. And I truly believe that and understand it myself now. I want to make it clear I am Not advocating teen pregnancy by any means. My blog is meant to help girls in That position know the possibilities and options placed before them... which is why I would like to share my support for adoption. I actually visited an adoption agency soon after I decided abortion was not an option for me. They were wonderful and made me feel like I had control. I didn't know if I was ready to do this and I knew there were young couples begging for the gift of a baby.. if I could not do this, I could chose the safe and secure family that would raise my baby. I want girls to understand adoption is absolutely an option. I have very amazing women in my life who shared their adoption stories with me and why they chose to do so.. babies are from heaven.. they're perfect and without any knowledge of this earth. They deserve the best possible life and if you are unable to provide that for them adoption is a wonderful opportunity. I prayed and talked with my family about this decision and I chose to raise Krew with the help of my family. I do Not know how to this day that my life has been so blessed and I Have been able to do this, but I thank God And believe in my heart that Krew was my saving grace. He has taught me so much and truly made me a better person. I encourage all young girls out there who may be faced with this challenge to Honestly consider their heart and their life's circumstances when making the final call. You will not love your baby any less if you know you can not tackle This journey so young. It is both amazing, and absolutely a sacrifice to be a mother. It seems there are so many young girls getting pregnant these days. I am in no way judging or pointing fingers I of course am one of them, but for all of you who have the chance of becoming pregnant I want you to consider what my mom taught me growing up, you should not do anything That you can not accept the consequence of. Therefore if you are having sex you should be prepared to take care of a child. It is as simple as That and I wish so much I would Have listened to those words. Creating life should Not be taken so lightly, and neither should taking It away. I believe women have the right to chose, but I also believe in God and abortion is defying the precious and amazing ability given to women. I'm no doctor, but I did my research and even at 8 weeks pregnant I was horrified with the thought of ending life. I would Not trade krew for anything in the world but if I could I would wait a few more years for him. There is a reason they tell you to not Have kids before your married and out of school.. it is very hard! And your baby deserves the best version of you. I Want to be a support to girls my age, someone They Can go go, ask questions, and feel comfortable talking too. Abortion does not Have to be the answer, its possible to make it out on top. I'm continuing to go to school and cheer, I want to make my son proud and let him know his parents love him and want to provide for him. And you can do it too. But wait for that baby. Be so extra careful if you chose too engage in sex before marriage, think of the permanent choice you will Have to make.. if that means having a baby or ending the life of your first.. do not take it lightly. A baby also does not repair relationships. Unexpected babies very commonly make it worse and I know from experience even if your parents Love You separately nothing will make up for having 2 sets of parents their whole life. Give your baby everything you wanted and more. Its possible girls! Be smart, Be safe, be brave. There's a baby somewhere upstairs waiting for you and the right time to come down, give them the right time. And remember to always make the decision YOU want, no one else has that right but You. Giving birth was the most exciting, memorable, and most mentally,physically, emotionally exhausting experience of my life and I hope ONE DAY you all get to experience it in the right circumstances.
When I first found out I was pregnant the first thing that came to my mind was that my life was over. Understandably I contemplated the idea of ending the life I had created In order to continue mine.. no bumps in the road no angry parents just put it behind me and move on.. sounds easy right? And I'm well aware it has been and will be for many girls my age.. but somehow in the mix of parents telling me What to do (not mine) and rumors swarming the school I found I couldn't live with that decision. And let me first say I owe everything to my mom. She was there When I took my final pregnancy test and never once did she make me feel ashamed or that I would have to make a decision for anyone else but myself. Of course she has no planned this for me, but she supported me to the end and stood by my decision whatever it would be. That is the best gift you can give a girl in my place. The right to chose for herself. And she gave it to me. My family has been absolutely wonderful and I want to make That known, they are the key to my success and my ability to mother so young. Every single one of them joined together once I had made the decision to continue my pregnancy. My mom told me nearly everyday, babies are a blessing Daphne no matter how they come. And I truly believe that and understand it myself now. I want to make it clear I am Not advocating teen pregnancy by any means. My blog is meant to help girls in That position know the possibilities and options placed before them... which is why I would like to share my support for adoption. I actually visited an adoption agency soon after I decided abortion was not an option for me. They were wonderful and made me feel like I had control. I didn't know if I was ready to do this and I knew there were young couples begging for the gift of a baby.. if I could not do this, I could chose the safe and secure family that would raise my baby. I want girls to understand adoption is absolutely an option. I have very amazing women in my life who shared their adoption stories with me and why they chose to do so.. babies are from heaven.. they're perfect and without any knowledge of this earth. They deserve the best possible life and if you are unable to provide that for them adoption is a wonderful opportunity. I prayed and talked with my family about this decision and I chose to raise Krew with the help of my family. I do Not know how to this day that my life has been so blessed and I Have been able to do this, but I thank God And believe in my heart that Krew was my saving grace. He has taught me so much and truly made me a better person. I encourage all young girls out there who may be faced with this challenge to Honestly consider their heart and their life's circumstances when making the final call. You will not love your baby any less if you know you can not tackle This journey so young. It is both amazing, and absolutely a sacrifice to be a mother. It seems there are so many young girls getting pregnant these days. I am in no way judging or pointing fingers I of course am one of them, but for all of you who have the chance of becoming pregnant I want you to consider what my mom taught me growing up, you should not do anything That you can not accept the consequence of. Therefore if you are having sex you should be prepared to take care of a child. It is as simple as That and I wish so much I would Have listened to those words. Creating life should Not be taken so lightly, and neither should taking It away. I believe women have the right to chose, but I also believe in God and abortion is defying the precious and amazing ability given to women. I'm no doctor, but I did my research and even at 8 weeks pregnant I was horrified with the thought of ending life. I would Not trade krew for anything in the world but if I could I would wait a few more years for him. There is a reason they tell you to not Have kids before your married and out of school.. it is very hard! And your baby deserves the best version of you. I Want to be a support to girls my age, someone They Can go go, ask questions, and feel comfortable talking too. Abortion does not Have to be the answer, its possible to make it out on top. I'm continuing to go to school and cheer, I want to make my son proud and let him know his parents love him and want to provide for him. And you can do it too. But wait for that baby. Be so extra careful if you chose too engage in sex before marriage, think of the permanent choice you will Have to make.. if that means having a baby or ending the life of your first.. do not take it lightly. A baby also does not repair relationships. Unexpected babies very commonly make it worse and I know from experience even if your parents Love You separately nothing will make up for having 2 sets of parents their whole life. Give your baby everything you wanted and more. Its possible girls! Be smart, Be safe, be brave. There's a baby somewhere upstairs waiting for you and the right time to come down, give them the right time. And remember to always make the decision YOU want, no one else has that right but You. Giving birth was the most exciting, memorable, and most mentally,physically, emotionally exhausting experience of my life and I hope ONE DAY you all get to experience it in the right circumstances.
Your all amazing talented and beautiful! Be the best you, you can be! xo -----> anytime ladies (:
and to lighten the mood, I've included a picture of Krew's FEEt, annnnd his MEAT. hehehe, enjoy!
and to lighten the mood, I've included a picture of Krew's FEEt, annnnd his MEAT. hehehe, enjoy!
1 comment:
This is perfect.
I keep trying to expound on that, but I'll let that suffice.
Thanks for your honesty. I know you're changing lives already.
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