So i have to admit this past week i have been a basket case. My schedule has been so jam packed it feels and i'm totally suffering from blogging withdrawls. After putting the babe down tonight, i'm finnnaally back in my computer chair having what my mom used to tell us kids was her "quiet time." The funny thing is i totally get that now. Sorry mom! i thought i'd be short and sweet tonight with a little review of my week before i get back into the flow of things.
-First and foremost, my babydaddy is home (: and for good this time. NO he has not "dropped out of college", we prefer to look at it as an adjustment in schedule. Our path is taking the long bumpy road around the freeway.. we like a little change of view and something worth working for. (;
He will be attending Community College in the Spring for the rest of the year and working full time before we decide where our journney will take us next year. We are still looking to transfer to a University together, nothing is impossible. Just, rather difficult and time consuming right?
-I competed with my high school cheer team in Everett, WA at the state championships. Our team took 3rd in state against some 4A schools and while it was not what we had expected it was a lot of fun and i could not be more proud of our very young team. They did amazing, you can see some more photos here for now.
- Krew was blessed in our Church on Sunday which was really exciting. My family all came to support and I will post some pictures later
-WE WATCHED THE SUPERBOWL, and even though I love the game, Madonna's halftime was pretty darn amazing I have to admit. I have had that l-u-v madonna y-o-u you wanna stuck in my head since Sunday.. YIKES.
- I started my math class at the high school on Monday and so far, it's not so bad. Pretty odd being back, but it's only for an hour. I think I can handle it. (;
- I had my first college exam... which I was unaware was that day until I sat in my seat and noticed the asians around me swarming over eachother's notes... im a winner.
- Dylan and i had a mini date night, Krew stayed home with grandma while we went with the rest of the family to The Summit and Snoqualmie for some skiing and tubing!
- And today, Dylan and I were super motivated to pull potatoes out of the garden, put the Christmas Tree down ( do not judge) vaccum the entire shoebox (my house) go for walk, visit my great grandma, and help make cookies while every man in my family received a haircut....and do my math homework.
On top of this all, my computer is broken. i know, i know, tragic.. but IT IS. i have 3 online classes i need to be completing and of course, my blog is calling my name. So i'm pretty sure none of you reading even cared about my ridiculous and random week... it is my blog and mine alone and i shall record these random events for future memories and laughs.. because i keep telling myself oneday.. i will be able too!
that being said, tomorrow i have some fun fashion websites to share with you and hopefully some pictures for a new weekly post called "Life's Weekly Wednesday" this is also another goal to actually post EVERYWEDNESDAY.
with love,
xo Daph
1 comment:
I LOVE reading your blog and I LOVE all of the pictures that you take! I know that one day you will look back and love that you did this blog and took all those pics! You and Dylan are doing an awesome job! Keep it up!!!! :)
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