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Monday, July 2

What I've learned..

About motherhood the past 8 months.

Life goes on
Your child can make any day worth living
Poop is nothing but a sign your babe is properly fed
Sleep is not necessary to survive.. Only to function. And sometimes moms don't
Mistakes are okay
It goes by too fast
You never needed all the extra crap you thought you must have
Be open to change of ideas, cause they will change
You're the best mommy your child could have, take advice thats positive to you.
Patience is a life saver. LiterAlly.
It comes natural, don't sweat the small stuff
You'll probably want another one
You might even scare yourself with your mama bear instincts Sometimes
You'll obsess over pinterest at 2 am.. Even when they're not a newborn.
You'll cry, a lot.
You'll smile even more.
Puke and other bodily fluids will become your own style of tie dye.
It Also won't phase you.
You'll learn what love really is.
Whites never a good idea, but you'll probably do it anyways.
You'll develop an extreme case of mamarazzi with the camera.. Most people won't be As entertained.
You'll so some weird stuff, I definetly nursed my 3 week old on the toilet of les Schwab once.
Family means most
Hoop earrings are a no no
And cuddle time is the absolute best.

Krew Hudson John, I love nothing more than being your mama. Here's to almost 9 months of truly living for something, you're everything to me.

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