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Monday, March 19

it's just one of those nights

when you've had such a horrible day and everything goes right with your baby that you just have to document it. (or jinx it.. which i am praying i do not do right now -_-)

my list of not so accomplished tonight
1. study for history final that starts @ 8AM. COOOOOL right.
2. Clean the room that ate my phone and refuses to give it back
3. clean up the mess from the dinner i nearly ruined and threw together
4. laundry, enough said.
5. SHOWER, who has time for it these days
6. go tanning with the baby daddy, which is why i am sitting here on the computer and he is enjoying the nice beautiful rays of warm tanness above him.

things i have been able to accomplish, give me some credit
1. feed the sister, baby daddy, and baby!
2. try again on the whole rice cereal thing with krew :) i can't help it, he's only 5 months old and they say to wait till he's 6 but he wants what he wants people. give me the food woman.
3. BATHE the babeh
4. blog..........
5. watch TV....
6. get the baby son down before 10 o'clock. hello, accomplishment of the day.
7. THINK about studying..

and now i have convinced myself enough that i must get off the computer now and do something with myself before dylan gets back. i am a mess today, thankyou. but at least we get milk in the morning.

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