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Tuesday, February 14

v-day from Krew

today is mommy and daddy's day to tell eachother how much they love me, so basically i have already been kissed by mom over a  million times today. which rocks because she is my favorite (; we also took dad some lunch when mom got out of school and took an awesome nap on the couch wrapped up in my favorite football blankie. lately, i prove how secretly amazing i am by pulling my binkie out and laughing at my mom when she sings to me or jumps up and down. my dad and i love to listen to reggae music and i basically sleep till noon everyday. liiiivin it up my friends. i can now lay in the bath without my special chair and i think i actually swim. my mom thinks its so cute but really i am just warming up. my new favorite thing to wear to bed is my dinosaur jammies. i look like such a big boy in them. oooops, i definently just blew out my pants on my mama's lap while she writes this for me, well later gaters!
p.s. i am 4 months in 3 days! gooooo Krew!

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