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Wednesday, February 22

bein lay-zay on weekly wednez-day

it's officially Wednesday. mid week people. wow time flies. and i am laying in bed on baby daddy's laptop while the nug-nug (Krew) sleeps in his crib. you heard right, CRIB. i reufse to crawl back into the warm snuggles of my bed at 11 am and fall fast asleep with my little man today. i've kind of made an agreement with myself to get something done around this house. one of those things, find my phone.  berta, has been missing now for approx. 3 days. no joke. but it hasnt gotten to me much yet because she kind of has a mind of her  own. shutting off randomely and not charging when i plug her in. i do have to admit though, my little photographer is starting to become extremely missed. i have not taken a phone photo in a few days now. much too long for me. and it is weekly wednesday and i officially have no pictures to post. 

but i do have some things to share!

last night baby daddy and i took the babe to target after a long day of work, and play on my part. i was able to visit with a friend and we made pinterest scarves and made a fun trip to the goodwill to find some treasures. my kind of day.- at target, mama got a new watch and sweater (thanks dyl!) dad got his own watch, and krew got  a pair of babeh jeans. i even tried on a retro styled swim suit for them. HA. that was worth a few hundred laughs. seriously.
then mom and dad were able to put the Krewbear down easily and watch some TV on the couch together before another long day ahead of us. i love those two boys. <3

annnnd,this weekend, my family is going to a lake cabin with some friends for mid-winter break. always so much going on around here but it's how we function i guess!
wish me luck on my chores today, i'm going to need it... have a wondeful Wednesday and take lots of pictures! (; XO

P.S. before i got to my chores i did a little style searching.. here's some of my favorite looks right now.

1. Structured LBD's for any time or occasion
2. Blazers, brighten it up for spring with white and coral
3. Faux Fur vests, LOVE
4. High waisted Wide Leg Trousers, so classy and neat
5. Boots with knee length skirts and skinny belts

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